Fitness & Training

The Perfect Full Body Home Workout With Resistance Bands

tribe by noire

Tribe By Noire

The Perfect Full Body Home Workout

2020 has completely reinvigorated the buzz around home fitness and along with that we’ve witnessed the rebirth of the resistance band industry. I saw this coming before the lockdowns started and sprung into action to create a whole game plan for building muscle and burning fat from home with minimal space and equipment. Let’s take a look at full body home workouts.

Fat Burn & Full Body Workouts

Full body workouts are the best way to maximize fat loss while building muscle because you’re targeting every muscle group in the body rather than just 1 or 2. Using more muscle groups within a workout forces more stimulation of your nervous system and a faster metabolic rate. All of this combined maximizes caloric burn.

The ideal fat loss method when it comes to full body workouts is the use of super sets and giant sets in conjunction with time intervals.

  • Super sets are when you do 2 exercises back to back as a pair with little to no rest time between them.
  • Giant sets are when you take 3 or more exercises one after in a group with little to no rest time between them.
  • Do each exercise on a fixed time interval of 60 seconds. Try to keep your rest time between exercises to a minimum of 10-15 seconds.

Full Body Workouts For Muscle Building

The most important training factors that drive muscle growth are intensity, frequency, and volume. With full body training you can utilize all 3 of these factors in a very time efficient way.

  • Intensity is how hard you push a muscle or muscle group in a given set or training session.
  • Frequency is how often you train a muscle or muscle group.
  • Volume is how many sets and reps you use to train a muscle, or muscle group.

Full Body Workout Structure

Every Workout should be centered around compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups at the time. Each exercise fits into 1 of 7 categories.

  1. Squatting/lunging – targets quadriceps and glutes
  2. Hip Hinging- targets lower back, glutes, hamstrings
  3. Horizontal Pressing – targets chest, shoulders and triceps
  4. Vertical Pressing – targets shoulders and triceps
  5. Horizontal Pulling – targets lower back, upper back, biceps
  6. Vertical Pulling – targets upper back and biceps
  7. Spinal Flexion/Trunk Rotation – targets abs and obliques

Each workout should have 6-8 exercises grouped together in giant sets, or super sets. With the right amount of intensity and rest time, you can finish the workout in 20-30 minutes. Here’s an example.

3 Giant Sets
  • Banded Prisoner Squat
  • Banded Standing Leg Curl
  • Banded Upright Row
3 Giant Sets
  • Banded Row
  • Banded Push Up
  • Banded Bicep Curl
3 Super Sets
  • Banded Wood Chop
  • S. Leg Hip Bridge + Leg Extension

*Do each exercise for 60 seconds (per side if it’s a unilateral exercise), or for a rep total of 16-20 reps (per side if it’s a unilateral exercise).

*Keep the rest time between 10-15 seconds between sets.

Looking for a good set of bands for a good price?

This is a good package that comes with everything you need to have a versatile and effective home workout. You can even train outside like I prefer to do.

  • The handles make it easy to grip the bands
  • The door anchor allows you to do pull downs, wood chops, and leg curls if you don’t have anything to tie the band around.
  • The ankle cuff is the ideal tool for leg curls, leg raise, and kick backs.
  • Everything fits in a fairly small bag, which makes it convenient for tavel.

Tribe By Noire

tribe by noire

I’ve created this platform to help you become the most powerful version of yourself through fitness, plant based nutrition, and mindset coaching.

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Fitness & Training

Full Body Workout Training Structure Explained

Tribe By Noire

Full Body Workout Training Structure Explained

Full body training has been rising in popularity in the fitness space lately and for good reason. There’s tons of scientific literature demonstrating that full body training is superior to body part split training in terms of  gaining strength, muscle, and burning body fat. The primary reason for this is the increased frequency of how many times you’re train a given muscle group per week. Having said all that the next question is, how do you structure your workouts and training weeks. Let me explain.

Remson Noire Full Body Training

Muscle Groups Vs Movement Patterns

The typical mindset when approaching training with a body part split is targeting muscles and muscle groups.

  • Chest + Triceps
  • Back + Biceps
  • Legs
  • Shoulders
  • Arms

This is what’s commonly known as a “bro split”. Over the years, things advanced to routines like “push pull legs” and “upper lower split”. These all work, but carrying this mindset into a full body training style program is gonna be ridiculous. This mindset will have you in the gym for 2-3 hours doing 14-15 different exercises, in an attempt to try and target each and every muscle from your neck to your toes.

It works much better if you focus on training movement patterns instead. These movement patterns are separated into different categories.

  • Back Squat
  • Front Squat
  • Split Squat
  • Lunge
  • Conventional Deadlift
  • Romanian Deadlift
  • Bulgarian Deadlift
  • Good Mornings
  • Glute Ham Raise
  • Hip Thrust / Hip Bridge
Vertical Press
  • Strict Press
  • Push Press
  • Single Arm Press
  • Hand Stand Push Up
Horizontal Press
  • Bench Press
  • Incline Press
  • Push Up
Vertical Pull
  • Lat Pull Down
  • Pull Up
  • Chin Up
Horizontal Pull
  • Barbell Row
  • Seated Row
  • Single Arm Row
  • Body Row
Spinal Flexion / Pivoting
  • Wood Chop
  • Russian Twist
  • Alternating Jack Knife
  • Crescent Plank
  • Leg Raise Arc
Accessory Exercises
  • Leg Extension
  • Leg Curl
  • Lateral Raise
  • Reverse Fly
  • Bicep Curl
  • Tricep Extension

Workout Structure

The week can split into 2 sets, kinda like an upper lower split, except its a set A and set B split. Each set would have it’s own designated movement patterns.

Set A
  • Squat
  • Vertical Press
  • Horizontal Pull
  • Spinal Flexion / Pivot

+2-3 accessory exercises

Set B
  • Hinge
  • Horizontal Press
  • Vertical Pull
  • Spinal Flexion / Pivot

+2-3 accessory exercises

You can alternate between set A and set B 4-6 days per week taking rest days when needed. Doing this guarantees the best level of frequency and training volume for achieving the most results. Here’s what it looks like with it all put together.

Day 1
  • Barbell Back Squat 5×6
  • Barbell Overhead Press 5×8
  • Barbell Row 4×10

Super set

  • Dumbbell Reverse Fly 4×16
  • Dumbbell Curl 4×12


  • Cable Wood Chop 4×12
Day 2
  • Barbell Deadlift 5×6
  • Barbell Bench Press 5×6
  • Lat Pull Down 4×10

Super set

  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise 4×20
  • Tricep Push Down 4×20


  • Cable Low To High Fly 4×12
Day 3
  • Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat 5×12
  • Prone S. Leg Curl 5×16
  • Dumbbell Half Kneeling Press 4×12
  • Dumbbell S. Arm Row 4×12

Super set

  • Cable Seated Face Pull 4×16
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curl 4×16


  • Leg Raise Arc 4xAMRAP
Day 4
  • Barbell Romanian Deadlift 5×12
  • Seated Leg Extension 5×16
  • Dumbbell Chest Press 5×10
  • Lean Back Lat Pull Down 4×10

Super set

  • Cable S. Lateral Raise 4×20
  • Body Weight Dip 4xAMRAP


  • Cable Wood Chop 4×12

Tribe By Noire

tribe by noire

I’ve created this platform to help you become the most powerful version of yourself through fitness, plant based nutrition, and mindset coaching.