Personal Development

Strengthening Self Identity To Become A Better You

Strengthening Self Identity To Become A Better You

If I were to ask you to explain to me who you are, what would you tell me? What traits do you identify with? What are your beliefs and desires? Are you living in alignment with what you are and how close are you to being your best self?

These can be some pretty difficult questions, especially if you’ve never given it much thought in the past. If you truly want to start being your best self and living your best life, you need to strengthen your self identity.

  • Being
  • Deserving
  • Doing

These three elements are where it starts. Let’s line them up and bridge the gap.

Strengthening Self Identity To Become A Better You


Identifying your being starts with the traits you identify with. These can be how you look, how you sound, and even how smile. This can also be how you behave, how your perceive people and the world around you. What traits do people notice in you? What traits do you notice in yourself? Make a list of all of those traits that people see in you and then make a list of the traits you see in yourself. Compare those lists to each other and see how they line up. 

Even though we’re focusing on self identity, its still pretty important to see how people view you. Seeing internal and external points of view can help you see things about yourself that you couldn’t see otherwise. This type of feedback can help you refine your character and improve your social life.

Take a look at all of the traits listed and choose which traits you find desirable about yourself. Those desirable traits are going to go on a separate list and that list is going to play a major role in solidifying your being. As for the traits you don’t want, acknowledge them, but don’t focus on them. Focusing on what you want and what you like is a much more powerful position to work from.

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What do you truly feel you deserve? Do you deserve to be wealthy? Do you deserve to be loved? Do you deserve to be respected and admired? Say what you feel you deserve, whatever it is! Now the next question is, “why do you deserve it?” Go back to your list of traits if you have to. 

Understand that in order to deserve something, you have to do, be, or have something that indicates that you do deserve it. If your traits don’t line up with what you feel you deserve, you’ve got some work to do. Become what you need to be to get what you deserve. Do the things you need to do to get what you feel you deserve.


Personal development happens from the inside out. This is why we start with acknowledging our being and our desires, then these things manifest in our doing. A great deal of us are living day to day with our being, deserving, and doing, completely out of alignment. As a result we end up with anxiety and depression. We end up with a head full of conflict.

After you’ve sorted out your being and what you deserve and or desire, you can now look at your habits. If you desire to be wealthy and you know you’re capable of achieving the wealth you want, have you been doing what you need to do to make it happen? If you have traits of brilliance and beauty, is that coming out in your behavior as confidence?

Ask yourself the tough questions and hold yourself accountable. Be deliberate with the moves you make. If you’re not sure what you should do in a given situation, remember your traits and what you know you deserve.


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