The Rules Of Verbal Attraction
Verbally attract what you want into your life. How? Speak and command your mind to generate behavior that allows you to vibrate at the frequency you need to attract what you desire. If you can open your mind up enough to believe it, you can take action to achieve it.
I’m gonna share a little bit of my story about how I came across this method and dive a bit deeper into how this works, so keep reading.
I Kept My Own Company For A Really Long Time
From the age of 5 or maybe even 6 I spoke to myself, not in my head, but out loud. Honestly they were back and forth conversations, the type of behavior that would be exhibited in a mental institution. I don’t believe I did this from some kind of psychosis or anything, it was just a coping mechanism that allowed me to sort out my thoughts, express myself, and help me understand my environment.
I’d find a quiet isolated place and ramble away. I wasn’t very good at socializing with other people, and didn’t get halfway decent at it until I was around 15 or 16 years old. Even after I developed a social life, I still socialized more to myself. It wasn’t until now in my late 20’s that I started using this form of communication to manifest and attract what I wanted.
How I Figured It Out
Honestly, I just started paying more attention to the type of speech I was giving myself. I started noticing how certain conversations made me feel. Positive confident speech brought life changing experiences. When I spoke words of power to myself, they had influenced my behavior drastically and even seemed to influence the world around me. Fortune came to me in the most random, but perfect ways.
The negative speech also worked the same way, tearing down whatever the positive speech had brought to me. It almost seemed as if the negativity speech was twice as dangerous. I’d fall in the clutches of negative speech whenever pissed off, or disappointed at how unfair the world would seem to be and because of that, my energy would drop. I’d lose my influence over people. I felt distant from everyone and often hopeless. The longer the negative speech went on, the worse my life got. It even effected my income.
In desperate times I knew I had to make a change, a BIG change. Fast forward to today, I am now the master of my life due to the words I speak to myself. I walk amongst nature, speaking plans and strategies to myself of how I can improve and achieve the next success. I’d repeat affirmations of confidence and abundance to myself reinforcing the belief that my dreams are not fantasies, they are visions.
Speak To Your Subconscious Mind To Reprogram Your Behavior
When you speak like this out loud to yourself, you don’t just speak to the ears of your conscious mind, but you also speak to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is way more powerful than you realize, because it holds the codes to your autonomous behavior.
You ever get so used to doing something and never realize why you do it, or that you even do it at all? Most of our negative behaviors and limiting beliefs stem from your subconscious mind. Imagine if you can fix all of the problems in your life by directly reprogramming the subconscious mind? This is what I’ve discovered from personal experience.
Tell Yourself & The Universe What You Are In The Process Of Achieving
We’re so used to talking about what we want, but the universe only recognizes actions! Break out of the habit of talking about what you want and what you wish you had and start manifesting action!
Say what you’re in the process of doing and then do it! Tell yourself about the joy you feel from knowing what you’re in the process of getting. Verbally acknowledge how beautiful and brilliant you are and how fortunate you are to be just so!
It doesn’t have to make sense to your conscious mind!
Let go of your ego and speak love to yourself. Say it as many times as you need to until you feel it. Act from those words. Live in alignment with those words, that power!