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Ask yourself, how do you know if you’ve learned? This simple question can be surprisingly difficult for most people. I know because I’ve asked quite a bit of people this question. The reason this question can be so tough to answer is because most of us never really took the time to qualify what actual learning is. Having said all that, let’s take the time to figure out how you know you’ve learned. Here’s the breakdown.
- Remembering VS Learning
- Mental Masturbation
- The Result Of True Learning

Typically when we think of learning, we are reminded of institutionalized education. You take a class, you’re given study materials from text books and class notes. You memorize those study materials for a test that you’re given later on down the line where you’ll then have to regurgitate various answers from those study materials. Simple enough right? Sure, but in my view, this is not an example of learning, it is more of example of memorizing. Let me explain.
Memorizing is a small part that potentially leads to learning, but I can’t consider this to be learning in and of itself. Let’s stick with this example. Ask yourself and really think, “Do I still remember all or at least most of the information from all the tests I did really well on in the past?” If the answer is no and you’ve forgotten most of that stuff, that means you didn’t truly learn those lessons. What you did do was learn to remember the right answers.
The truth is we never really forget what we’ve learned. A good example of this is bike riding. Once you’ve learned how to ride a bike, you never forget, even if you haven’t been on a bike in years. You might be a little awkward on it at first, but that only lasts for a few minutes or so.
Let’s talk about a little thing I like to call mental masturbation! Sounds like an interesting topic and it truly is. Its something that we do quite often and we can even learn from it. In short, mental masturbation is when you play with yourself… in your head. We bring thoughts into our minds and stimulate ourselves with them in our idol time. We often get these thoughts from things like tv shows, magazines, social media, the news, and events like concerts. Basically its all just information that’s very stimulating, but most of it you’ll never actually use.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, entertainment is one of the great spices of life, but using too much can spoil your intellectual appetite. So how does this relate to the subject then? So far I’ve clarified the distinction between learning and memorizing and now I want clarify the difference between mental masturbation and learning. We often loosely associate this form of entertainment with learning. For example, you may look at some brief 2 minute video of someone cooking a recipe and at the end you think, “Oh ok cool I learned a new recipe!” Sorry to burst your bubble, but You ain’t learn jack.
So how can I have the audacity to tell you that you haven’t learned?
All true learning has one very important thing in common. That one thing is behavioral change. That’s right! All true learning leads to a behavioral change. True learning is the basis for true growth as a person. This is how you add new habits and replace bad habits with better habits. True learning is what adds extra tools and skills to your figurative toolbox. Before you go and make the statement that you’ve learned, ask yourself, “How has this, or how will this change my behavior?”
One last quote I’ll leave you with is this. “Practice does not make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Make it permanent”

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