Fitness & Training

6 Tips To Improve Your Bench Press

6 Tips To Improve Your Bench Press

The barbell bench press is the standard for upper body strength which makes it an essential exercise to anyone trying to build upper body strength. It is also essential to do it correctly through a full range of motion, not only for maximum strength and muscular development, but also for joint health. No matter what your sport is, the form for the bench press remains the same and follows the same basic principles. Here are 6 tips to improve your bench press and save your shoulders.

1. Keep A Tight Grip On The Bar

Grip strength plays a large role in strength overall. In regards to the bench press, a loose grip on the bar results in the loosening of the smaller stabilizing muscles in the shoulder. This often result in a lack of control over the bar and even tearing of the shoulder. Keep tight on the bar and maintain control.

2- Keep Your Chest Up

Thoracic Extension (arching your back) is essential to any kind of weightlifting, due to the advantages it provides for torso position. This torso position makes it easier for you to retract your shoulder blades (scapular) to bring the bar down to the sternum. This also allows you to utilize the muscles in your upper back to assist in stabilizing the bar and driving it up to the top position. Think big chest.

3. Tuck Your Elbows At 45 Degrees

Tucking your elbows is also going to give you the ability to use your upper back muscles more and its also going to protect your shoulders. Benching with your elbows flared out is a very weak and risky position because of the lack of leverage and potential impingement at the shoulder joint. Keep those shoulders packed and secure throughout the press.

4- Unrack & Breathe In Deep

IBreathe deep into your belly, hold that breath throughout the rep, and exhale at the top. That deep breath allows you to get oxygen into the lungs while filling up the belly to create pressure, which helps stabilize the torso. Pull big air and push big weight.

5- Back & Hips Should Be Tight With Both Feet On The Ground

No loose bench pressing! People are often so focused on their chest that they forget about the rest of their body. Arch your back, keep your chest up, squeeze your butt, and push your feet into the ground. 

6- Keep Tight Until You Rack The Bar

There should be no slack in your body until the weight is racked. Treat the whole lift and every lift like its a thousand pounds.

Thank you for your time, I appreciate you!


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Personal Development

Separating Abundance And Greed

Separating Abundance And Greed

Life is for those who desire! Passion will make every deep breath feel like the first breath you ever took, but for some of us, we have no idea what that could possibly feel like, that or they’ve forgotten…damn. So what’s getting in the way of that feeling? For some of us, wanting more is the same as being greedy. Some of us tell ourselves that we should be happy with what we have and unfortunately that’s where the story ends. I don’t accept that and neither should you, so let’s talk about separating abundance and greed.

Are You Really Being Greedy?

Greed is driven by desire yes, but its also driven by a level of narcissism that ultimately plagues the lives of anyone in an effective range. Even a beautiful vision can become a cancer. A greedy man could have the vision of growing and incredible garden, larger than anyone has ever seen in our lifetime. This garden would grow with petals, leaves, and seeds painted with all the colors of the entire universe. It would be such a marvel to the point that it would inspire people of all lands to travel to this garden simply to bare witness to it.

Sounds like a beautiful vision to have, but this greedy man would create nightmares in order to fulfill his vision. He would cause massive drought in the land of the disenfranchised in order to feed his garden. He would horde supplies and starve others with less leverage than him to feed his garden. If he could, he would move the sun away from others if it meant growing his garden faster.

This may be an extreme example of greed, but still practical enough for you to get the idea. 

The Abundant Mind

If only we had a better understanding of abundance, we would then understand that true abundance starts in the mind. True wealth and happiness stems from certain behavior and that behavior is an outward manifestation of an abundant mindset.

I’ve had the privilege of meeting people who understand and adopt this mindset and I’ve realized that they are able to achieve their dreams without impeding others. If that greedy man had an abundant mindset, he would be able to fulfill his vision of that beautiful garden and he’d be able to do it through the unity and prosperity of others, rather than to their detriment. 

You see, the abundant minded person operates with the belief that they have everything they need in order to get what they want. This is why an abundant minded person has no need for greed, or any other unethical behavior. 

Abundance VS Greed

Greed stems from the fear of lack combined with ones own love of their own flesh. This is a weakness to do your best to avoid being sucked into, but the answer is not to be overly humble to the point where you feel guilty for having desire. The only real protection from developing greed is to develop a mindset of abundance. Breathe deep and dream big, life is for those who desire.


3 Steps To Setup A Home Gym

3 Steps To Setup A Home Gym

3 Steps To Setup A Home Gym

Having a home gym is like a giant ball pit for a ferret. Its an adult play room for anyone committed to the fitness lifestyle. The home gym is one of the best lifestyle assets you can possibly have, but without the right strategy it can be very costly and even wasteful, so I’m gonna give you 3 steps to setup a home gym. Follow this and save yourself the headache.

Key Advantages To Having A Home Gym


  • Those of us who have a really busy lifestyle have a tendency to struggle with setting aside time for the gym. Having a home gym cuts out the travel time and unnecessary traffic that comes with going back and forth to the gym.


  • I think its safe to say that we all hate overly crowded gyms and cramped spaces where there’s too much equipment or there is limited space in general. The beauty in having a home gym is that you are in complete control of just how many people occupy your training space. You’re also in control of everything else like what equipment is available, what music is playing, and what’s on the tv. 

Guidelines For Picking The Right Equipment


Before you pull the trigger on buying anything you need to figure out what your training program and training style are. Every piece of equipment you get should accommodate your training as efficiently as possible. For example, in order to calculate how much weight you need to buy, you need to know how much weight you’re using and how much weight you’ll be using further down the line. This is just one of the reasons why a program is essential.

Training style really depends on your goals and dictates what equipment you’ll need. For example, if all of your workouts are executed using under 100 lbs, then chances are you don’t need a barbell and plates, so dumbbells, kettlebells, and resistance bands would be a smarter investment in the beginning. 


Simple, Versatile, Portable Scalable Durable, keep these 5 words in mind when looking at equipment. Your average gym doesn’t really do such a good job with this. Take for example a bicep curl machine. Its not, simple, versatile, portable, scalable, or durable. Its heavy, large, expensive, and all of the moving parts make it more likely for something to break. Can you see why this is not a good investment?

An example of a good investment would be a barbell, bumper plates, and a squat stand. Its simple with very little moving parts which ties into durability. Its portable and scalable, just add weight. Most importantly its versatile which means you can do way more with it than bicep curls.


Once you’ve got your budget together, you can search for equipment and compare prices. A good place to start looking is because they typically have really good deals and a lot of different options. You can also find good deals on used equipment locally from small gyms, maybe even some that are going out of business. Another option is facebook marketplace, but the options could be pretty limited depending on your location. You can build your gym overtime, but the first things you should get are the essentials to your current training program.


Leave a comment and let me know if this information helped you. As always thanks for reading.

Fitness & Training

3 Steps To Fix Knee Hip And Lower Back Pain

Tribe By Noire

Exercise Selection And How To Make The Right Choices

Joint pain is one of the biggest struggles that people face today. This joint pain keeps people from being active and doing the things they love to do. It makes things like going up and down stairs a miserable experience. Throughout my 10+ years of experience, I’ve been able to help people to overcome and even completely fix joint pain. Let’s talk about the 3 steps to fix knee hip and lower back pain.

3 Steps To Fix Knee Hip And Lower Back Pain

1. Massage

There are various forms of massage that work to relieve excess tension from muscle which in turn relieves joint pain. Check out some of the methods of massage below.

  • Professional Massage

This can be, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, shiatsu, reflexology, etc. These are the most effect for fixing issues, but not very cost effective.

  • Self Myofascial Release

This is basically a technical way of  saying self massage. This can be done with a foam roll, trigger point ball, or even your own hands. Its not as in depth and effective as professional massage, but needless to say its a lot more cost effective and very convenient.

*My recommendation is to apply self myofascial release daily before and after training and professional massage once a week.

Checkout my video on foam rolling.

2. Stretching

From my experience, joint pain is usually a case of poor mobility. An example of this would be tight hamstrings and calves limiting glute activation, which causes excess stress on the quadriceps that leads to knee pain.

My recommendation is to loosen up the muscle with self myofascial release before stretching. Checkout some of the stretching methods I’d recommend.

  • Active Isolated Stretching (AIS)

This stretch technique is held for only a few seconds at a time. Its performed for several repetitions, each time exceeding the previous point of resistance by a few degrees. Ideally this is performed for several sets with a specific number of repetitions.

  • Dynamic Stretching

This type of stretch is a series of continuous movement patterns that resemble fluid human movement. I personally tend to model my dynamic stretching drills after various yoga poses and martial arts techniques.

3, Strengthen

Weak or inactive muscles typically cause other muscles to work way more than they normally would, thus causing muscular imbalance. These muscular imbalances ultimately cause joint pain. In order to fix these imbalances you have to strengthen those lagging muscles. 

After you’ve applied self myofascial release, AIS and dynamic stretching techniques, you can start strengthening lagging muscles. There are two main ways to do this.

  • Isolation Exercises

These types of exercises only require one or two joints action and the use of one or two muscles. This allows you to better focus on activating a lagging muscle. Examples of this would be a hip bridge, hamstring curl, standing calve raise, etc.

  • Compound Exercises

These types of exercises are compound movements that involve the flexion and extension of at least 3 joints. Compound exercises are great for maximizing strengthen and body mechanics through improving muscle synergy. In other words this is the best way to train to be strong and balanced.

Knee, hip, and lower back pain should all be fixed at the same time because they are all directly connected. Unhealthy knees ultimately lead to hip and lower back pain and vice versa. 

Here are the main things to improve to fix joint pain.

  1. Ankle mobility
  2. Hip mobility
  3. Spinal extension
  4. Torso strength
  5. Glute strength
  6. Hamstring strength

Tribe By Noire

tribe by noire

I’ve created this platform to help you become the most powerful version of yourself through fitness, plant based nutrition, and mindset coaching.

Fitness & Training

3 Keys To Building Muscle And Burning Fat At The Same Time

3 Keys To Building Muscle And Burning Fat At The Same Time

3 Keys To Building Muscle And Burning Fat At The Same Time

One of the biggest myths in fitness today is the belief that you can’t build muscle and drop body fat at the same time, atleast not a substantial amount. Because of this belief, it is a common practice to alternate between 3 different phases known as bulking, cutting, and maintenance. My goal here in this article is to simplify the process and explain the 3 keys to building muscle and burning fat at the same time.

The Vicious Cycle Of Cutting & Bulking

This vicious cycle will have you bouncing back and forth from one extreme to the next. You want to get lean and sexy, so you neurotically cut calories in efforts to drop weight fast. You drop the weight, and a clothing size or two. You feel good about it for a bit, but the feeling fades when you realize you look flat. You’ve gotta put some muscle on, and add some shape to this now thinned out physique. Popular opinion says you’ve gotta eat big to get big, so you begin doing just that, over eating. You hit it hard in the gym and pack on some good size, but only a small portion of it being actual lean mass. Ladies and gentlemen, the vicious cycle of bulking and cutting.

Debunking the calorie myth

Before we go any further I need to clarify what calorie is and is not. A calorie is not a form of nutrients, it is actually a measure of thermo energy. To be specific it is the energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water through 1 °C. Basically food works in the body much like how gas works in your car. The fuel heats up creating a caloric output (energy use). The more “calories” we consume, the more potential caloric output we have.

Understanding that, we can now see that the only purpose for increasing calorie intake is to have more usable energy. Whatever potential energy we have left over is stored in either the liver, muscle tissue, or fat cells. If you have your calorie surplus too high, you’ll gain body fat. If your calorie deficit is too low, you’ll lose muscle. Sounds simple enough, but this is actually where calorie counting falls on its face.

  • Are all calories created equal?
  • Does it matter where the calories come from?
  • How do you calculate how many calories you need?

I’ve often had clients drop body fat and increase muscle mass by increasing their food intake, so what’s the missing link here?

Quality Over Quantity

When thinking about food, quality comes first. The quality of your food is its macro and micro nutrient balance. A good example of this would be fruit vs cake. 

Cake has little to no nutritional value, and very high in “calories”. Cake is known to be fattening because not only is it high in “calories, its also low in fiber, so you end up eating way too much of it before actually feeling full.

Fruit is low in “calories” but loaded with vitamins, minerals, and fiber which greatly improve energy, recovery, and digestion. This means more muscle growth and fat burn. 

The 3 Keys To The Right Gains & Losses


Consuming protein increases the nitrogen levels in your body. This nitrogen is what builds the muscle tissue in the body. Simply put, you will build muscle as long as you have a nitrogen surplus in the body during recovery. Studies show that the optimal consumption of protein per day for muscle building is 1.5 to 1.8 grams per kilogram of lean body mass.


Your training sessions should be fairly quick and intense, typically within 40 – 45 minutes. Having long drawn out training sessions can drastically reduce performance and inhibit your recover because of over use to the nervous system. Your body only has but so much fuel available at a given time so make every minute count.


The body builds muscle at rest almost entirely when you sleep, which is why the best thing you can do for muscle growth is sleep. The body also metabolizes the most fat at rest in order to generate and stabilize your hormones and other functions. Its pretty much impossible to get the results you want without sufficient recovery.

Leave a comment below! Let me know what info you’ve found most useful here and feel free to ask if you have any further questions. Thanks for reading!

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Personal Development

Creat Life Change With Pen And Paper

Creat Life Change With Pen And Paper

What I want to talk about right now is a simple method to attract what you want with pen and paper. In a nutshell, the method is to create and write out what I call a desire statement.

Writing a desire statement is a strange thing because it works in miraculous ways, but you can’t really explain why. There’s no scientific or mathematical proof of how it works, but the world’s most successful people can testify with unshakable conviction that it works.

Many people say it works through the law of attraction. Many people say it works through the law of vibration. These are just mere concepts that we have developed over time to help understand how our world operates, but make no mistake that the energy you adopt is real. As far as energy goes, I want to talk to you about the energy, the influence of writing your desire statement.

Talking To Myself Like A Crazy Person Is How It Started

Before I dive in, I want to tell you a bit about how I first experienced the law of attraction and the law of vibration. Ever since I was a child I would talk to myself out loud, kinda like what some people would call a crazy person.

I would ask myself questions and even had answers! These were full blown conversations with myself to the point where if you did hear me, you’d think I was on the phone or something.

I would always try to find a quiet Isolated place, usually walking a long distance. I noticed that the type of energy of the conversation would dictate what would happen next. If I had a whole lot of negative stuff to say, I would attract bad energy, bad things would happen, and I would make bad choices.

If the conversation was positive and I felt good and spoke with confidence, excitement, and determination, my life would improve drastically! I mean drastically! I’d work harder, I’d be more open minded, I’d enjoy everything so much more, it was unbelievable!

Now most of my life I did this without the intention of manifestation, or attraction. It was more of a subconscious thing that made me behave like that, but as I learned about internal energy, wealth manifestation, law of attraction and vibration, I understood it more. I still talk to myself like a crazy person, but I do it with clear intention now.

What Does This Have To Do With A Desire Statement?

It has everything to do with it! Just like speaking, writing works the same way, but it has more power in its own way. To me its almost like writing and solidifying an agreement with yourself and the universe. Its on paper as documented proof to the world that this is your desire! You believe in it, you declare it, and you live it. 

Hang it on your wall, by your work desk, or even over your bed. Take time to read it everyday and internalize that agreement, then go out and live in alignment to that agreement.

Here's An Example Of A Desire Statement

*Please note that it is important to write your desire statement in your own words. It has to come from the heart.

“I’m in the process of attracting all that I need to know, do, and have in order to attract my ideal body and lifestyle.

I love knowing that my ideal body and lifestyle allows me the freedom to enjoy life to the fullest capacity and create the influence to help others to do the same.

Abundance is a feeling I love and I love to feel that abundance all around me.

I love the feeling of being comfortable in my own skin and knowing true self love.

I’m so excited at the thought of looking in the mirror and seeing how much my body has changed.

I love knowing that my own personal growth brings me the opportunity to give and help others in need.

I love knowing that I have complete control over how I look and feel. Knowing that fills me with unbelievable joy.

I love the thought of creating the best version of my self. I love knowing that my family will be proud and inspired by the changes I’ve made.

The law of attraction is unfolding and working to bring me everything I desire.”

As always, I appreciate you and thanks for reading


Personal Development

The Rules Of Verbal Attraction

The Rules Of Verbal Attraction

The Rules Of Verbal Attraction

Verbally attract what you want into your life. How? Speak and command your mind to generate behavior that allows you to vibrate at the frequency you need to attract what you desire. If you can open your mind up enough to believe it, you can take action to achieve it.

I’m gonna share a little bit of my story about how I came across this method and dive a bit deeper into how this works, so keep reading.

I Kept My Own Company For A Really Long Time

From the age of 5 or maybe even 6 I spoke to myself, not in my head, but out loud. Honestly they were back and forth conversations, the type of behavior that would be exhibited in a mental institution. I don’t believe I did this from some kind of psychosis or anything, it was just a coping mechanism that allowed me to sort out my thoughts, express myself, and help me understand my environment.

I’d find a quiet isolated place and ramble away. I wasn’t very good at socializing with other people, and didn’t get halfway decent at it until I was around 15 or 16 years old. Even after I developed a social life, I still socialized more to myself. It wasn’t until now in my late 20’s that I started using this form of communication to manifest and attract what I wanted.

How I Figured It Out

Honestly, I just started paying more attention to the type of speech I was giving myself. I started noticing how certain conversations made me feel. Positive confident speech brought life changing experiences. When I spoke words of power to myself, they had influenced my behavior drastically and even seemed to influence the world around me. Fortune came to me in the most random, but perfect ways.

The negative speech also worked the same way, tearing down whatever the positive speech had brought to me. It almost seemed as if the negativity speech was twice as dangerous. I’d fall in the clutches of negative speech whenever pissed off, or disappointed at how unfair the world would seem to be and because of that, my energy would drop. I’d lose my influence over people. I felt distant from everyone and often hopeless. The longer the negative speech went on, the worse my life got. It even effected my income.

In desperate times I knew I had to make a change, a BIG change. Fast forward to today, I am now the master of my life due to the words I speak to myself. I walk amongst nature, speaking plans and strategies to myself of how I can improve and achieve the next success. I’d repeat affirmations of confidence and abundance  to myself reinforcing the belief that my dreams are not fantasies, they are visions.

Speak To Your Subconscious Mind To Reprogram Your Behavior

When you speak like this out loud to yourself, you don’t just speak to the ears of your conscious mind, but you also speak to your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is way more powerful than you realize, because it holds the codes to your autonomous behavior.

You ever get so used to doing something and never realize why you do it, or that you even do it at all? Most of our negative behaviors and limiting beliefs stem from your subconscious mind. Imagine if you can fix all of the problems in your life by directly reprogramming the subconscious mind? This is what I’ve discovered from personal experience.

Tell Yourself & The Universe What You Are In The Process Of Achieving

We’re so used to talking about what we want, but the universe only recognizes actions! Break out of the habit of talking about what you want and what you wish you had and start manifesting action!

Say what you’re in the process of doing and then do it! Tell yourself about the joy you feel from knowing what you’re in the process of getting. Verbally acknowledge how beautiful and brilliant you are and how fortunate you are to be just so!

It doesn’t have to make sense to your conscious mind! 

Let go of your ego and speak love to yourself. Say it as many times as you need to until you feel it. Act from those words. Live in alignment with those words, that power!

Personal Development

5 Steps Of Personal Development

5 steps of personal development

Over 10+ years as a coach I’ve come to realize that almost every client I’ve worked is missing one of the most important aspects of success, and that is personal development. Of the many subjects we study in school, it truly breaks my heart that personal development is not one of them. Just in case you’re not aware, personal development is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential. Here, I’m going to share with you the 5 steps of personal development.

1. Develop Self Awareness

We are all self aware to a degree, but true self awareness is the beginning of self discipline and true self fulfillment. Self awareness is also a major key to getting rid of bad habits. Read my article on that here. To achieve self awareness you have to practice identifying and observing your behaviors and beliefs. From there you’ll have the ability to choose what you want to keep and what you want to let go.

2. Establish Your Identity

Do you really know yourself? Have you really taken the time for self reflection so you can truly identify who and what you truly are, and who and what you want to be? If you have done this, how often do you take the time do it? The only way we get answers is when we ask questions. 

Think about your beliefs, behaviors, desires, and struggles. All of these things paint a picture of who you are. Once you understand you are, you can decide who you want to be. If you don’t like something change it and what ever you like you keep and you build on. We are really malleable in that way.

3. Set Goals & Life Aspirations

It brings us a step closer to fulfillment every time we achieve a goal. We love to win because its empowering. Ever victory proves our competence thus helping us to improve and solidify our self esteem. 

Setting goals and life aspirations is pretty intense requires self awareness and knowledge of self. Once you have these to things you can accurately choose the direction you want head in. In another article I’ve outlined the 5 step process to successful goal setting.

4. Develop Strengths & Talents

You can’t create the life you truly want without the skills and tools you need to achieve your goals. You also won’t know what skills you need to develop unless you’ve gone through the first 3 steps. Take a look at your goals and the strengths you have so far and work out a game plan.

Some of us are really charismatic and can get people to help you achieve your vision. Some of us are not charismatic at all, but very crafty and resourceful. There’s always something to make up for what you don’t have and there’s always a way to develop what you do and even don’t have.

Take time to look in your toolbox.

5. Identify & Improve Potential

Identify and improving potential requires the ability to see value. Every extremely successful person has developed the ability to see value. Its like the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Look at everything in front of you and really try to see the value in it all. In another article I explain 2 keys to train your mind to see value.

As always, thank you for reading and be well.


Personal Development

3 Steps To Create Life Change With The Values Vs Beliefs List

3 Steps To Create Life Change With The Values Vs Beliefs List

One of the biggest problems that we face in life is getting our behavior in check. Even though there are things that we really want in life, our behavior takes us in a completely different direction. A typical example of this is wanting to get in shape, but continuing to eat unhealthy and skipping workouts. In order to start fixing this behavior is to understand the important of values and beliefs as well as what’s driving your behavior. Let’s start with 3 steps to create life change with the values vs beliefs list.

What Values Are Exactly

Your values are a large part of what defines you as a person. They are your principles, your code, your essence. Some common values that people have are family, loyalty, trust, happiness, compassion, integrity, success, freedom, strength, health, and things of that nature. 

Ideally what we want to do is set goals in accordance to these values and that should manifests as our lifestyle. For example if some values of yours is compassion and integrity, you might decide to live a vegan lifestyle where you make the commitment to not indulge in animal exploitation.

What Beliefs Are Exactly

Your beliefs can either make or break you in everything you do. Beliefs are powerful things that can become submerged deep into your subconscious mind and make you behave in ways that often make you feel like you have no control over what you do or how you feel. This is often the root cause of a person’s failures and even sense of helplessness.

On the other hand your beliefs can empower you in unimaginable ways where your power seems completely limitless. Mastering your beliefs is seriously one of the most important things you can ever do in your life.

The Goal Behind "Values vs Beliefs List"

This list is all about identifying the differences between your values and beliefs and getting them to line up and work in harmony with each other. 

3 Steps To Create Life Change With The Values Vs Beliefs List


  • Take some time to write down a list of your highest held core values.


  • Take some time to write down a list of your beliefs in relation to the values you’ve listed.


  • Decide what beliefs you want keep and which ones you want to change and once you do that, start working on changing the ones you want to change, one by one.

You’d be surprised at what you’d learn about yourself. Get started today and see what you come up with.


Nutrition & Supplements

7 Great Vegan Protein Sources

Tribe By Noire

7 Great Vegan Protein Sources

There is a lot of false information out there about plant based protein sources, and a vegan diet in regards to protein deficiency. I want to clear that up here and also give you 7 great vegan protein sources.

Do Plant Protein Sources Have a Complete Amino Profile?

There are plant based foods that have a complete amino profile like quinoa, hemp, and soy and there are some that don’t, like beans and legumes. However this is not really an issue because you end up consuming complete proteins by mixing foods. A good example of this would be mixing beans with rice, and nut butter spread on bread. As long as you have a balanced nutrient dense diet, you’ll be fine.

Is It Hard To Get Enough Protein On A Vegan Diet?

Vegan Protein deficiency is pretty much a myth entirely. There is protein in all plant foods, so the only way you can be protein deficient is by under eating and practically starving yourself. Meat eating actually leads to excess protein consumption which can lead to a host of other problems over time like kidney damage, fat gain, etc. The average person only needs around a half a gram of protein per pound of lean mass.

7 Great Vegan Protein Sources

1. Tofu

Tofu is extremely versatile and high in protein with around 10 grams of protein per half cup. Tofu may not taste very good by itself, without any seasoning or sauce, but the unique thing about it is that it adopts the flavor of whatever you cook it with.

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is one of those most nutrient dense foods you can eat. Its packed with fiber, iron, magnesium, manganese, etc. Its versatility makes it good to eat with a wide variety of foods and you can also use it to make muffins, cookies, and things of that nature. 1 cup of cooked quinoa yields 8 grams of protein.

3. Buckwheat


The name can be a bit misleading because it actually isn’t a type of wheat at all. Its in the rhubarb family. The Japanese have turned the plant into a type of noodle called soba, most cultures eat the seeds by either grinding them into flour or cooking the kernels similarly to oatmeal. This food yields 6 grams of protein per cooked cup.

4. Chia Seeds
chia seeds

Chia Seeds are the highest source of plant based omega 3 fatty acids. They also contain more fiber than both nuts and flax seeds. This super food is rich in iron, zinc, calcium, and is loaded with antioxidants. When combined with water, these seeds can be used as a thickening agent for vegan pudding, vegan milkshakes, and can be used to replaced egg when baking. These seeds yield 4 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons

5. Hemp Seeds
hemp seeds

Hempseed contains pretty significant amounts of all 9 essential amino acids, and is also a great source of magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium. It is also a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. 2 tablespoons yields 10 grams of protein.

6. Spirulina

Spirulina is a micro algae that is packed with nutrients like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, iron, magnesium, potassium, and manganese. Basically its a real super food that you can supplement in your diet and just one tablespoon contains 4 grams of protein.  

Here’s the spirulina I recommend

7. Ezekiel Bread
ezekiel bread

Ezekiel bread is made from wheat, barley, lentils, beans, spelt, and millet and is highly nutrient dense, containing all essential amino acids. Just 2 slices contains around 8 grams of protein.

There are many other protein sources, but these are my top 7.

100% Vegan Naked Pea Protein Powder

My Top Vegan Protein

If you need a vegan protein supplement that tastes good, has a good texture, and doesn't have all the additives and colors, give this one a go. each serving is 27 grams of protein and 120 calories.

Tribe By Noire

tribe by noire

I’ve created this platform to help you become the most powerful version of yourself through fitness, plant based nutrition, and mindset coaching.