Tribe By Noire

3 Essentials To Building A Strong Functional Back

Building your back is vital to developing a strong and balanced body, yet so many people neglect it. Its common for people to train the muscles they see the most, like chest, arms, and abs, but understand that your back muscles are just as important and in some cases, should be trained more often than the muscles on the front. Moving forward I’m going to explain the 3 essentials to building a strong functional back.

Some Perks Of Training Back

  • Training your back will change your posture in a way that will make you stand more upright which will cause you to appear more confident and strong. Your posture actually effects how people behave toward you which is why this is so important in terms of social encounters. Weak back muscles lead to a hunched look that can cause you to look weak and timid.
  • Developing a strong back can relieve shoulder and neck tension by strengthening the muscles that pull your shoulders down and back in to place. Weak back muscles lead to overactive upper trapezius muscles and this greatly contributes to stress headaches and bunch of other issues.
  • Improving the strength of your back muscles will increase the integrity of your spine and greatly improve your joint function. This means that you greatly decrease your chances of slipping a disc, or getting a shoulder impingement. 
  • Obviously there is a major aesthetic appeal to developing a strong sexy back. Whether you’re a woman who wants to wear that new backless dress, or a guy who wants that broad shoulder look with the V Taper, I’d advise you to get to pulling.

1st Essential - Horizontal Pulling

Horizontal pulling is basically any kind of rowing motion. The key elements here are scapula retraction and shoulder depression. Good cues to keep in your head for these kinds of movements are to keep your chest out and your shoulders down as you pull towards your belly. Make a double chin throughout the movement to keep from sticking your neck out.

2nd Essential - Vertical Pulling

Vertical pulling is basically any kind of movement where you pull against resistance from an overhead position. The key elements here are scapula retraction/downward rotation, and shoulder depression. This can be pull ups, lat pull downs, high rows, etc. Again, keep your chest out and your shoulders down and make a double chin, but this time you’ll be pulling to your upper chest.

3rd Essential - Spinal Extension & Stabilization

Good examples of spinal extension and/or stabilization would be deadlifts, goodmornings, prone extensions, etc. The unique thing about these kinds of movements is that their primary function in regards to the back is to strengthen the spinal erectors and this requires little to no movement of the arms.

Putting A Back Routine Together

Putting together a back routine is fairly simple. Typically what I’d do is take 1-2 exercises from each of the 3 categories. The weight and reps would be set depending on the current goals of the program.

As long as you structure your workout around the essentials, you’ll be able to put together an effective and balanced back workout. 

You can also add unilateral training to your workout structure as well. For more on that topic, give this article a look. 2 reasons why you should use unilateral exercises

Thanks for reading! Get to pulling!

Tribe By Noire

tribe by noire

I’ve created this platform to help you become the most powerful version of yourself through fitness, plant based nutrition, and mindset coaching.