Personal Development

5 Steps Of Personal Development

5 steps of personal development

Over 10+ years as a coach I’ve come to realize that almost every client I’ve worked is missing one of the most important aspects of success, and that is personal development. Of the many subjects we study in school, it truly breaks my heart that personal development is not one of them. Just in case you’re not aware, personal development is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life and set goals in order to realise and maximise their potential. Here, I’m going to share with you the 5 steps of personal development.

1. Develop Self Awareness

We are all self aware to a degree, but true self awareness is the beginning of self discipline and true self fulfillment. Self awareness is also a major key to getting rid of bad habits. Read my article on that here. To achieve self awareness you have to practice identifying and observing your behaviors and beliefs. From there you’ll have the ability to choose what you want to keep and what you want to let go.

2. Establish Your Identity

Do you really know yourself? Have you really taken the time for self reflection so you can truly identify who and what you truly are, and who and what you want to be? If you have done this, how often do you take the time do it? The only way we get answers is when we ask questions. 

Think about your beliefs, behaviors, desires, and struggles. All of these things paint a picture of who you are. Once you understand you are, you can decide who you want to be. If you don’t like something change it and what ever you like you keep and you build on. We are really malleable in that way.

3. Set Goals & Life Aspirations

It brings us a step closer to fulfillment every time we achieve a goal. We love to win because its empowering. Ever victory proves our competence thus helping us to improve and solidify our self esteem. 

Setting goals and life aspirations is pretty intense requires self awareness and knowledge of self. Once you have these to things you can accurately choose the direction you want head in. In another article I’ve outlined the 5 step process to successful goal setting.

4. Develop Strengths & Talents

You can’t create the life you truly want without the skills and tools you need to achieve your goals. You also won’t know what skills you need to develop unless you’ve gone through the first 3 steps. Take a look at your goals and the strengths you have so far and work out a game plan.

Some of us are really charismatic and can get people to help you achieve your vision. Some of us are not charismatic at all, but very crafty and resourceful. There’s always something to make up for what you don’t have and there’s always a way to develop what you do and even don’t have.

Take time to look in your toolbox.

5. Identify & Improve Potential

Identify and improving potential requires the ability to see value. Every extremely successful person has developed the ability to see value. Its like the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Look at everything in front of you and really try to see the value in it all. In another article I explain 2 keys to train your mind to see value.

As always, thank you for reading and be well.
