Fitness & Training

6 Tips To Improve Your Bench Press

6 Tips To Improve Your Bench Press

The barbell bench press is the standard for upper body strength which makes it an essential exercise to anyone trying to build upper body strength. It is also essential to do it correctly through a full range of motion, not only for maximum strength and muscular development, but also for joint health. No matter what your sport is, the form for the bench press remains the same and follows the same basic principles. Here are 6 tips to improve your bench press and save your shoulders.

1. Keep A Tight Grip On The Bar

Grip strength plays a large role in strength overall. In regards to the bench press, a loose grip on the bar results in the loosening of the smaller stabilizing muscles in the shoulder. This often result in a lack of control over the bar and even tearing of the shoulder. Keep tight on the bar and maintain control.

2- Keep Your Chest Up

Thoracic Extension (arching your back) is essential to any kind of weightlifting, due to the advantages it provides for torso position. This torso position makes it easier for you to retract your shoulder blades (scapular) to bring the bar down to the sternum. This also allows you to utilize the muscles in your upper back to assist in stabilizing the bar and driving it up to the top position. Think big chest.

3. Tuck Your Elbows At 45 Degrees

Tucking your elbows is also going to give you the ability to use your upper back muscles more and its also going to protect your shoulders. Benching with your elbows flared out is a very weak and risky position because of the lack of leverage and potential impingement at the shoulder joint. Keep those shoulders packed and secure throughout the press.

4- Unrack & Breathe In Deep

IBreathe deep into your belly, hold that breath throughout the rep, and exhale at the top. That deep breath allows you to get oxygen into the lungs while filling up the belly to create pressure, which helps stabilize the torso. Pull big air and push big weight.

5- Back & Hips Should Be Tight With Both Feet On The Ground

No loose bench pressing! People are often so focused on their chest that they forget about the rest of their body. Arch your back, keep your chest up, squeeze your butt, and push your feet into the ground. 

6- Keep Tight Until You Rack The Bar

There should be no slack in your body until the weight is racked. Treat the whole lift and every lift like its a thousand pounds.

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